How to Download Quiz Results in Canvas
Canvas is a popular learning management system (LMS) that allows instructors and students to create, manage, and share online courses. Canvas offers many features and tools that enhance online learning, such as assignments, discussions, announcements, grades, and quizzes.
Quizzes are one of the most useful tools in Canvas, as they can help instructors measure students' learning progress and outcomes. Quizzes can also help students check their understanding, practice their skills, and prepare for exams.
download quiz results canvas
One of the benefits of using quizzes in Canvas is that you can download quiz results in various formats and use them for further analysis and improvement. In this article, we will show you how to view and export quiz results in Canvas, as well as how to use them for learning improvement.
How to View Quiz Results in Canvas
Before you can download quiz results in Canvas, you need to know how to view them. Depending on your role and preference, you can view quiz results within each quiz or from the gradebook.
How to Access Quizzes in Canvas
To access quizzes in Canvas, you need to log in to your account and navigate to the course where you want to view or take a quiz. Then, click on the Quizzes link in the course navigation menu. You will see a list of all the quizzes available in the course.
If you are an instructor, you can create new quizzes by clicking on the +Quiz button. You can also edit, delete, duplicate, or moderate existing quizzes by clicking on the Options icon next to each quiz.
If you are a student, you can take quizzes by clicking on the title of the quiz. You will see the instructions, due date, time limit, number of attempts, and other settings for the quiz. To start the quiz, click on the Take the Quiz button.
How to export quiz content from Canvas as a QTI file
Canvas quiz statistics: how to download student analysis CSV file
How to view quiz results in Canvas as a student
How to import quiz content from QTI file into Canvas
Canvas quiz settings: how to show or hide quiz results
How to download quiz submissions in Canvas as a PDF file
How to use New Quizzes in Canvas: features and differences
How to create a quiz in Canvas using the Quiz tool
How to grade quizzes in Canvas using SpeedGrader
How to moderate quizzes in Canvas: extra attempts and time extensions
How to use question banks in Canvas quizzes
How to create a quiz with random questions in Canvas
How to use quiz logs in Canvas: view student activity and interactions
How to use item analysis in Canvas quizzes: view statistics and improve questions
How to use quiz regrade in Canvas: change quiz answers and update grades
How to create a practice quiz in Canvas: no points or grades
How to create a graded survey in Canvas: collect feedback and assign points
How to create an ungraded survey in Canvas: collect feedback without points
How to use formula questions in Canvas quizzes: create and grade math questions
How to use text (no question) questions in Canvas quizzes: add instructions or information
How to use multiple choice questions in Canvas quizzes: create and grade single-answer questions
How to use multiple answers questions in Canvas quizzes: create and grade multiple-answer questions
How to use true/false questions in Canvas quizzes: create and grade binary questions
How to use fill-in-the-blank questions in Canvas quizzes: create and grade short-answer questions
How to use fill-in-multiple-blanks questions in Canvas quizzes: create and grade multiple short-answer questions
How to use multiple dropdowns questions in Canvas quizzes: create and grade multiple-choice questions within a text
How to use matching questions in Canvas quizzes: create and grade pair-matching questions
How to use numerical answer questions in Canvas quizzes: create and grade numeric questions with margin of error
How to use essay questions in Canvas quizzes: create and grade long-answer questions
How to use file upload questions in Canvas quizzes: create and grade file submission questions
How to use stimulus content in New Quizzes: add text, image, or video for multiple related questions
How to use categorization questions in New Quizzes: create and grade drag-and-drop categorizing questions
How to use ordering questions in New Quizzes: create and grade drag-and-drop sequencing questions
How to use hot spot questions in New Quizzes: create and grade image-clicking questions
How to migrate quizzes from Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes in Canvas
How to preview quizzes in Canvas: test your quiz before publishing
How to publish or unpublish quizzes in Canvas: make your quiz available or unavailable for students
How to duplicate quizzes in Canvas: copy your quiz within the same course or another course
How to delete quizzes in Canvas: remove your quiz from the course permanently or temporarily
How to access quiz reports in Canvas: view summary statistics and student results for your quiz
How to share quizzes with other instructors using Commons in Canvas
How to lock or unlock quizzes in Canvas: restrict access by date or password
How to add prerequisites or requirements for quizzes using modules in Canvas
How to add accommodations for students with disabilities for quizzes in Canvas
How to add extra credit for quizzes in Canvas: adjust points or assignment groups
How to add feedback for quizzes in Canvas: provide comments or explanations for students
How to add rubrics for quizzes in Canvas: evaluate student performance using criteria and ratings
How to add outcomes for quizzes in Canvas: align your quiz with learning objectives and measure mastery levels
How to add badges or certificates for quizzes using Badgr or Canva
How to View Quiz Results as an Instructor
If you are an instructor, you can view student quiz results within each quiz or from the gradebook.
To view student quiz results within each quiz, follow these steps:
Click on the name of the quiz that you want to view results for.
Click on the Options icon and select Show Student Quiz Results.
Under the heading Students who have taken the quiz, click on the name of a student that you want to view results for.
You will see each attempt and the score for each attempt in the sidebar. You can also view which questions were answered correctly or incorrectly, as well as any feedback or correct answers if allowed by the quiz settings.
You can also use the Moderate this Quiz link to view the number of attempts and the most recent score for each student. You can also give additional attempts, extra time, or manual grading to individual students or groups.
To view student quiz results from the gradebook, follow these steps:
Click on the Grades link in the course navigation menu.
Find the column that corresponds to the quiz that you want to view results for.
Hover over the cell that corresponds to a student's score for the quiz. You will see a pop-up window with the student's name, score, and submission details.
Click on the SpeedGrader link to view each attempt and question in detail. You can also leave comments, adjust scores, or mute or unmute grades.
How to View Quiz Results as a Student
If you are a student, you can view your own quiz results within each quiz or from the grades page.
To view your own quiz results within each quiz, follow these steps:
Click on the name of the quiz that you want to view results for.
Under the heading Quiz Results, click on the link that says View Results for Attempt #. You will see your score and the time spent on the quiz.
You can also view which questions were answered correctly or incorrectly, as well as any feedback or correct answers if allowed by the quiz settings.
To view your own quiz results from the grades page, follow these steps:
Click on the Grades link in the course navigation menu.
Find the row that corresponds to your name and the column that corresponds to the quiz that you want to view results for.
Click on the cell that shows your score for the quiz. You will see a pop-up window with your score and submission details.
Click on the View Feedback link to view each attempt and question in detail. You can also see any comments left by your instructor.
How to Export Quiz Results in Canvas
Once you have viewed quiz results in Canvas, you may want to export them in different formats for further analysis or backup. Canvas allows you to export quiz results as a QTI ZIP file for classic quizzes or as a CSV file for new quizzes.
How to Export Quiz Results as a QTI ZIP File for Classic Quizzes
A QTI ZIP file is a compressed file that contains quiz data in a standard format that can be imported into other platforms or applications. To export quiz results as a QTI ZIP file for classic quizzes, follow these steps:
Click on the name of the quiz that you want to export results for.
Click on the Options icon and select Export Quiz Content.
Select QTI .zip file as the export type and click on Generate Export.
Wait for Canvas to process your request. You will see a progress bar and a notification when your export is ready.
Click on the Download link to download and save the QTI ZIP file to your computer.
How to Export Quiz Results as a CSV File for New Quizzes
A CSV file is a plain text file that contains data separated by commas. It can be opened and edited by spreadsheet applications such as Excel or Google Sheets. To export quiz results as a CSV file for new quizzes, follow these steps:
Click on the name of the quiz that you want to export results for.
Click on the Options icon and select Manage Item Banks.
Select Export Item Bank as CSV from the drop-down menu next to the item bank that contains the quiz questions.
A new tab will open with a preview of the CSV file. Click on Download CSV File to download and save it to your computer.
How to Open and Analyze the Exported Files
To open and analyze the exported files, you need to have an application that can read and process QTI ZIP files or CSV files. For example, you can use Respondus 4.0 or ExamView to import QTI ZIP files and create new quizzes or reports. You can also use Excel or Google Sheets to open CSV files and perform calculations, charts, filters, or pivot tables.
How to Use Quiz Results for Learning Improvement
Besides downloading quiz results in Canvas, you can also use them within Canvas to improve your teaching and learning outcomes. Canvas provides various tools and features that can help you use quiz results for learning improvement, such as quiz analysis statistics, quiz feedback and correct answers, and differentiated assignments.
How to Use Quiz Analysis Statistics to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Quiz Questions and Outcomes
Quiz analysis statistics are numerical data that show how well students performed on a quiz and how well the quiz measured student learning. Canvas provides quiz analysis statistics for both classic quizzes and new quizzes, but they may differ slightly depending on the quiz type and settings.
To access quiz analysis statistics, follow these steps:
Click on the name of the quiz that you want to analyze.
Click on the Options icon and select Quiz Statistics.
You will see a summary of the quiz statistics, such as the average score, high score, low score, standard deviation, and reliability coefficient. You can also view the distribution of scores in a chart or a table.
You can also view the statistics for each question, such as the average score, discrimination index, difficulty index, and point biserial. You can also view the distribution of responses in a chart or a table.
You can use quiz analysis statistics to evaluate the effectiveness of quiz questions and outcomes by looking at the following indicators:
The average score shows how well students performed on the quiz as a whole. A high average score indicates that most students mastered the learning objectives, while a low average score indicates that most students struggled with the learning objectives.
The standard deviation shows how much variation there was in the scores. A low standard deviation indicates that most students scored close to the average, while a high standard deviation indicates that there was a wide range of scores.
The reliability coefficient shows how consistent the quiz results were. A high reliability coefficient indicates that the quiz measured student learning accurately and reliably, while a low reliability coefficient indicates that the quiz results were influenced by random factors or errors.
The discrimination index shows how well a question differentiated between high-performing and low-performing students. A high discrimination index indicates that a question was effective in distinguishing between students who understood the concept and those who did not, while a low discrimination index indicates that a question was too easy or too hard for most students.
The difficulty index shows how difficult a question was for students. A low difficulty index indicates that most students answered the question correctly, while a high difficulty index indicates that most students answered the question incorrectly.
The point biserial shows how well a question correlated with the overall quiz score. A positive point biserial indicates that students who answered the question correctly tended to score higher on the quiz, while a negative point biserial indicates that students who answered the question correctly tended to score lower on the quiz.
You can use these indicators to identify which questions and outcomes need to be revised or improved. For example, you may want to rewrite or remove questions that have low discrimination or negative point biserial values, or adjust the difficulty level or scoring scheme of questions that have high or low difficulty values.
How to Use Quiz Feedback and Correct Answers to Help Students Review and Learn from Their Mistakes
Quiz feedback and correct answers are textual or visual information that show students how they performed on a quiz and what they need to improve. Canvas allows you to provide feedback and correct answers for each question, as well as for each answer choice within a question. You can also control when and how feedback and correct answers are shown to students depending on the quiz settings.
To provide feedback and correct answers for each question, follow these steps:
Click on the name of the quiz that you want to edit.
Click on the Edit button to enter the editing mode.
Click on the Questions tab to view or add questions.
For each question, click on the Update Question button to open the editing window.
Under the heading Feedback, enter your feedback for correct and incorrect answers in the text boxes. You can also use rich content editor tools to add images, links, videos, or equations to your feedback.
Under the heading Correct Answer Visibility, select when you want to show correct answers to students. You can choose from four options: Only once after each attempt, Only after their last attempt, Only after the due date, or Always.
Click on Save Question to save your changes.
To provide feedback and correct answers for each answer choice within a question, follow these steps:
Click on the name of the quiz that you want to edit.
Click on the Edit button to enter the editing mode.
Click on the Questions tab to view or add questions.
For each question, click on the Update Question button to open the editing window.
Under the heading Answers, enter your feedback for each answer choice in the text boxes next to the answer labels. You can also use rich content editor tools to add images, links, videos, or equations to your feedback.
Click on Save Question to save your changes.
You can use quiz feedback and correct answers to help students review and learn from their mistakes by providing them with the following information:
The reason why an answer is correct or incorrect, and how to arrive at the correct answer using logic, rules, formulas, or examples.
The concept or skill that is being tested by the question, and how it relates to the learning objectives of the course or module.
The resources or references that students can use to review or learn more about the topic or question.
The encouragement or praise that students need to motivate them to keep learning and improving.
How to Use Quiz Results to Identify Students' Strengths and Weaknesses and Provide Personalized Support
Quiz results can also help you identify students' strengths and weaknesses and provide personalized support based on their needs and preferences. Canvas allows you to use quiz results to create differentiated assignments, groups, or messages for students who performed well or poorly on a quiz.
To create differentiated assignments based on quiz results, follow these steps:
Click on the Assignments link in the course navigation menu.
Click on the +Assignment button to create a new assignment.
Enter the details of the assignment, such as the name, description, points, submission type, and due date.
Under the heading Assign to, click on the +Add button to add a new assignee group.
Select Student > Scored more than or Scored less than from the drop-down menu.
Select the quiz that you want to use as the basis for differentiation from the second drop-down menu.
Enter the score threshold that you want to use for differentiation in the text box.
Repeat steps 4-7 for each assignee group that you want to create based on quiz results.
Click on Save or Save & Publish to save your changes.
To create groups based on quiz results, follow these steps:
Click on the People link in the course navigation menu.
Click on the +Group Set button to create a new group set.
Enter a name for the group set and select Split students into groups manually from the drop-down menu.
Click on Save to create the group set.
Click on the name of the group set to view or add groups.
Click on the +Group button to create a new group within the group set.
Enter a name for the group and click on Save.
Repeat steps 6-7 for each group that you want to create based on quiz results.
To add students to a group, drag and drop their names from the Unassigned Students list to the group list. You can use quiz results from the gradebook or the quiz statistics page to sort students by their scores or performance.
To create messages based on quiz results, follow these steps:
Click on the Inbox link in the global navigation menu.
Click on the Compose a new message icon to create a new message.
Enter a subject and a body for your message. You can use rich content editor tools to add images, links, videos, or equations to your message.
Under the heading Course, select the course where you want to send the message.
Under the heading To, click on the Address Book icon to open the address book.
Select Scored more than or Scored less than from the drop-down menu next to the quiz that you want to use as the basis for differentiation.
Enter the score threshold that you want to use for differentiation in the text box.
Select the students that you want to send the message to from the list of matching students.
Click on Done to close the address book.
Click on Send to send your message.
You can use groups and messages based on quiz results to provide personalized support to students who performed well or poorly on a quiz. For example, you can create groups for peer tutoring, collaborative learning, or enrichment activities. You can also send messages to congratulate, encourage, or guide students based on their quiz results.
In this article, we have shown you how to download quiz results in Canvas in various formats and use them for further analysis and improvement. We have also shown you how to view quiz results in Canvas as an instructor or a student, and how to use quiz analysis statistics, quiz feedback and correct answers, and differentiated assignments, groups, or messages to enhance your teaching and learning outcomes.
Quizzes are one of the most powerful tools in Canvas, as they can help you measure and improve student learning in online courses. By using quizzes effectively and efficiently, you can create engaging and meaningful learning experiences for yourself and your students.
We hope you have found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you!
What are the limitations of quiz item analysis in Canvas?
Quiz item analysis in Canvas is a useful feature that can help you evaluate the effectiveness of quiz questions and outcomes. However, it has some limitations that you should be aware of, such as:
It only works for certain question types, such as multiple choice, true/false, multiple answer, fill in the blank, and numerical answer. It does not work for other question types, such as essay, file upload, matching, or ordering.
It only works for quizzes that have at least 10 student submissions. It does not work for quizzes that have fewer than 10 student submissions.
It only works for quizzes that have been published and taken by students. It does not work for quizzes that are unpublished or have not been taken by students.
It may not be accurate or reliable for quizzes that have multiple attempts, extra time, manual grading, or partial credit. It may also be affected by random factors or errors in the quiz data or calculations.
How can I prevent students from cheating on quizzes in Canvas?
Cheating on quizzes is a common problem in online courses, as students may have access to various resources or devices that can help them find or share answers. To prevent students from cheating on quizzes in Canvas, you can use some of the following strategies:
Use a proctoring service or software that can monitor students' behavior and environment during a quiz. For example, you can use Proctorio or Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor that are integrated with Canvas.
Use a timer or a deadline that can limit the amount of time that students have to complete a quiz. For example, you can set a time limit or a due date for each quiz in Canvas.
Use a randomizer or a shuffler that can vary the order of questions and answer choices for each student. For example, you can select Shuffle Answers for each question in Canvas.
Use a pool or a bank that can draw questions from a large set of questions for each student. For example, you can create an item bank or a question group in Canvas.
Use different types of questions that require higher-order thinking skills or original responses from students. For example, you can use essay, file upload, matching, or ordering questions in Canvas.
How can I import quiz content from another course or platform into Canvas?
If you have quiz content from another course or platform that you want to use in Canvas, you can import it using the import tool or the copy tool in Canvas.
To import quiz content using the import tool, follow these steps:
Click on the Settings link in the course navigation menu.
Click on the Import Course Content button on the right sidebar.
Select the content type that matches the source of your quiz content from the drop-down menu. For example, you can select QTI .zip file, Common Cartridge 1.x Package, or Canvas Course Export Package.
Click on the Choose File button to browse and select the file that contains your quiz content.
Select Quizzes from the drop-down menu next to Content.
Select All Content or Select Specific Content depending on whether you want to import all quizzes or some quizzes from the file.
Click on Import to start the import process.
Wait for Canvas to process your request. You will see a progress bar and a notification when your import is completed.
Click on the Select Content button if you chose to import specific content. You will see a list of quizzes that you can select or deselect for import.
Click on Select Content again to confirm your selection and complete the import process.
To import quiz content using the copy tool, follow these steps:
Click on the Settings link in the course navigation menu.
Click on the Copy this Course button on the right sidebar.
Enter a name for the new course that will contain your quiz content.
Select Quizzes from the drop-down menu next to Content.
Select All Content or Select Specific Content depending on whether you want to copy all quizzes or some quizzes from the original course.
Click on Create Course to start the copy process.
Wait for Canvas to process your request. You will see a progress bar and a notification when your copy is completed.
Click on the Select Content button if you chose to copy specific content. You will see a list of quizzes that you can select or deselect for copy.
Click on Select Content again to confirm your selection and complete the copy process.
How can I create different types of questions in Canvas quizzes?
Canvas offers a variety of question types that you can use to create quizzes, such as multiple choice, true/false, multiple answer, fill in the blank, numerical answer, essay, file upload, matching, ordering, and more. To create different types of questions in Canvas quizzes, follow these steps:
Click on the name of the quiz that you want to edit or create.
Click on the Edit button to enter the editing mode.
Click on the Questions tab to view or add questions.
To add a new question, click on the +New Question button at the bottom of the page.
To edit an existing question, click on the Edit icon next to the question that you want to edit.
In the editing window, select the question type that you want to use from the drop-down menu next to Question Type. You will see different options and fields depending on the question type that you choose.
Enter your question text and answer choices in the appropriate fields. You can also use rich content editor tools to add images, links, videos, or equations to your question text and answer choices.
Enter your points and feedback for each question and answer choice in the appropriate fields. You can also use rich content editor tools to add images, links, videos, or equations to your feedback.
Click on Save Question to save your changes.
You can also use the Find Questions button to search and add questions from other quizzes or item banks in your course. You can also use the Question Group button to create a group of questions that can be randomized or drawn from a larger set of questions.
How can I adjust quiz settings for individual students or groups in Canvas?
Canvas allows you to adjust quiz settings for individual students or groups based on their needs or preferences. For example, you can give extra attempts, extra time, or different due dates to students who need accommodations or extensions. You can also assign quizzes to specific sections or groups of students who need differentiation or personalization.
To adjust quiz settings for individual students or groups in Canvas, follow these steps:
Click on the name of the quiz that you want to edit.
Click on the Edit button to enter the editing mode.
Click on the Options tab to view or edit the quiz options.
Under the heading Assign, click on the +Add button to add a new assignee group.
Select Student, Course Section, or Group from the drop-down menu depending on whom you want to adjust quiz settings for.
Select the name of the student, section, or group from the second drop-down menu.
Enter the due date, availability date, time limit, and number of attempts that you want to assign to the student, section, or group.
Repeat steps 4-7 for each student, section, or group that you want to adjust quiz settings for.
Click on Save or Save & Publish to save your changes.
You can also use the Moderate this Quiz link to view and adjust quiz settings for individual students or groups after they have taken the quiz. For example, you can give extra attempts, extra time, or manual grading to students who need them.
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